Perineal Flushing for Female
1. 1 flushing can with warm water
2. 1 pick-up forceps sealed with antiseptic solution
3. 1 flushing forceps sealed with antiseptic solution
4. 1 bottle with dry sterile cotton ball
5. 1 waste receptacle
1. Explain the procedure to the patient. Screen the bed. Lock the door if in private room. This provide privacy to clients and minimizes anxiety during procedure that is often embarrassing to nurses and clients.
2. Replace the top sheet with both blankets by fan folding top sheet to the foot part of the bed to prevent linens from soiling.
3. Put bed pan under the patient.
4. Arrange the bath blanket into a triangular drape on patient so that one tip of the triangle is towards the patient's chest and are between the legs. use the two tip of the triangle to cover the thighs.This provides easy access to the genitalia and to facilitate good body mechanics.
5. Inform the patient when you pour little water in perineum. With the pick up forceps, get one big soapy cotton balls container and hold it with dressing forceps. Soap the area from the mons veneris to the side and discard cotton balls. Using another soapy cotton balls, Repeat the procedure by soaping the inner area starting from the clitoris, paying particular attention to the fold of labia minora and majora, down to the anus then discard cotton ball. Clean the vaginal area and side of thighs. Repeat the procedure as needed.
6. Rinse the whole area with warm water. Repeat as necessary to remove all the soap from the area. Use dressing forceps with cotton balls. Seperate fold in rinsing.
7. Dry the part using dry cotton ball in the same manner, paying particular attention to the folds between the labia. Wipe and dry sides, and thigh with tissue paper.
8. Remove bedpan. Turn patient on the side, wipe and dry buttocks and anal region with tissue paper.
9. Place sanitary pad (for post partum patients). Put the patients underwear.
10. Replace bath blankets with top sheet and make patiemt comfortable in bed.
11. Empty and clean bedpan and place it upon the rack to dry.
12. Tidy room.
13. Bring tray to utility room. Replenish for the next use.
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