Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Catheterization is the emptying the bladder with the use of a sterile catheter.


1. Urinary retention due to surgery, childbirth or trauma of the urinary tract.
2. Pre-operative measure as a precaution to prevent possible surgical error in identifying abdominal organs.
3. Collection of urine specimen for diagnosis.
4. Adjust for bladder irrigation and instillation.
5. Other urinary disturbances: Incontinence, polyuria, dysuria, oliguria and enuresis.

1. Secure doctor's order for catheterization to make sure that drug being administered and the patient being attended is the right one.

2. Explain the purpose to patient, what to expect and relaxation techniques during catheter insertion to ensure patient's right and privacy and lessen anxiety.

3. Drape patient, flush and remove bedpan. Wash your hands.

4. Bring the equipment/materials in the foot part of the patient and open the sterile cath pack.

5. Put on sterile gloves.

6. Place sterile drape over vulva. Put kidney basin at base of buttocks to prevent water from flowing to the bed and to avoid production of microorganisms.

7. Determine natural bend of catheter for proper positioning of catheter.

8. Lubricate and hold firmly 2-3 inches from tip as to minimize friction that may cause irritation.

9. Separate labia using the other hand.

10. Locate urinary meatus.

11. Insert catheter gently and slowly. Check patient's reaction.

12. Place free end of catheter in kidney basin. Watch for flow of urine. Catch urine in sterile specimen container if for laboratory examination.

13. Observe characteristics of urine.

14. Avoid emptying bladder completely because this may contribute to the detachment of the catheter. Attach foley bag if indicated. If not, withdraw catheter. Pinch and pull out slowly and gently.

15. Wipe patient's genitalia to remove traces of lubricants to avoid discomfort.

16. Have all articles cleaned and re-set for next use.

17. Record observation: amount of urine obtained' characteristics of urine, pain, difficulty or discomfort if any, during any phase of procedure. These are very essential for documentation.

Procedure for Catheterization on male patients:

* Use same steps except that prior to insertion of catheter, Lift penis to approximately at a 180 degree angle of the urethra for easier insertion and accessibility.

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